Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just like Purvi aunty

Naomi has always been a non fussy eater. She could eat very much everything without any complaints. She always tried new things and if she dint like it at all ;she would not eat anymore. But unlike the other kid of her age she always went for the first bite and gave a try .

I always had the feeling she dint know anything about taste.. She could eat food with no salt too.

This was until I visited my friend Purvi who has an almost 18 month old. We had planned to stay there whole day. As a good mother I fed both my kids ( I have a second one 18 month old too ) a heavy breakfast before I reached her house. This is what almost all moms do right??:)

As soon as we landed there;purvi had HUGE assorted collection of delicacies for our breakfast and lunch. TO MY EYES it was an unbelievable sight. My kids kept slurping down everything that was cooking and actually drooling with greed as they saw more coming in.. !!

That day brought tears to my eyes. All this time I felt I was doing enough or may be more that what I could do to make healthy yet tasty dishes for my kids. I always felt I stretched myself to the last edge to get the best of me. But as its well said; you are the best until u meet someone better than you!!..

I have incorporated lot of dishes what we had that day and now try to do more on the food stuff but the punch line that always follows with naomi's hungry eyes and excitingly thrilled face when she smells something good cooking in kitchen...
"Mommy, Are u cooking something JUST LIKE PURVI AUNTY does?"

Friday, May 1, 2009

Dear Love...

We have walked together in different phases of life
supporting each other, holding hands , lending shoulders.
we have tried our best to fulfill our roles
as a parent , as a spouse , as a child , as a sibling
but walking together we have looked ahead of us so much
that we have forgotten to look AT each other ;
its been a while having held BOTH our hands
and glanced into our hearts; gazed at each other like there is no tomorrow.
In the course of life we have lost someone in us,
A person always ready with naughty pranks
who would blow a kiss or two every now and then
who dint mind tagging along to every place no matter where and when.

This valentines day lets take some time out
enjoy a cup of coffee and walk a few miles
and awaken that silly person in us
who has been sleeping for quite a while.

Jai Ho

slumdog millionaire the name goes
movie so talked about and praised by the lot
some got an oscar or two some got a major breakthru
some got the honor of being involved in the making
of a movie ruthlessly honest and true
I wonder all the while
and I hope with my heart sincere
someone gives a second look at all the kids who live there
provide a ray of hope, show them the way
that leads to a better life far far away..