Monday, April 27, 2009


There are tons of rights in USA ; child rights, animal rights and many more. Not sure if anyone has parents rights union or something and why not.
Just like small kids are to be loved, are to be taken care of, to be understood, nourished well nurtured well ,spent time with, taken for outings, family dinners, spent fun time together ; parents are like small kids too.
Old age is almost like going back to your child self. They enjoy being pampered. They love to feel important and wanted; they have their own stubborness like kids; they do throw tantrums:). Never the less parents need to be taken care of. Is there any law that would check on how a son or daughter take care of their parents.
Photos are uploaded on internets; phone calls put us closer to people. But do the parents really know the complications of internet ? Why do they have to wait for someone to come and start the system and get the online pictures. Small things but they affect our parents lives a lot.
Sometimes its hard to put ourselves in their shoes but isnt it true when we were small they never hesitated to do any sacrifice for giving us a better life; they gave us their unconditional love no matter what happened with their days and work.

Its high time people start understanding the concept of BEING A GOOD CHILD just as much as they try hard to understand PARENTING!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for drawing attention to this, very important and yet, much neglected topic.

  2. I wish people at least give it a brief thought and act on it.
