Heard this one for almost a decade back and every now and then, we keep getting new dates and times for the D day. We had our hearty laughs and cracked innumerable jokes about it.
Exception to that, I still remember some news pages declaring such dates and quite a few panic struck people collecting several years worth of food, water and other essentials. Some sold away properties believing this to be true.
Clearly not sure what must have happened to them now but I am sure life moves on.
Several years down the line, we got another date Dec 21, 2012. This prediction was more stronger than any others. But again as always the day came and went away.
I had a smirk on my face recollecting the talks we used to have in our college days.
Life was very busy so far, slogging at work, living away from home, marriage, kids , years flew by so fast. But the thought of the end of the world kept coming back to me under some pretext or the other. I wondered will it happen in a day like entire planet would just get under water or comets and asteroids would come raging down and everything would be over in a snap. What is more acceptable and probable to happen. Nevertheless I felt this isn't happening in a day or two. Its a very long process for sure.
What is the world made of? When the idea was introduced by our ancestors, what did they think, what happened to them at that time that would happen again now.
What makes our world? Is it just the land mass, water mass? Is it the flora and fauna? Is it the humans living on this planet? What exactly implies the end of the world?
Planet as whole diminishing, getting destructed would be totally a different topic. But The World , that is totally our perspective. This perspective , this understanding is what's ending and that did start a decade ago.
Love, Affection, Humanity and Compassion laid the foundation of our very own world. When these started crumbling our world as we know began to end.
Love as existed between siblings, neighbors, friends, and of course a parent and child is slowly disappearing. There is a race for the luxuries which have now become survival need. A race where anything and everything is possible and is fair.
What can explain the need of sending a newborn to be raised half way across the world? What are the needs that surpass something as divine as a parent's love? What erases the memories of people responsible for your entire childhood and youth, people who are responsible for who you are and what you are ? What is making people behave so inhumanly towards each other? What is that evil thing that's working on every mind making it immune to the very basic foundation blocks of our world?
Yes I believe the world is ending, not at a said date or a said year but yes indeed its happening right in front of our eyes, slow and steady at every passing hour, every passing day.
Exception to that, I still remember some news pages declaring such dates and quite a few panic struck people collecting several years worth of food, water and other essentials. Some sold away properties believing this to be true.
Clearly not sure what must have happened to them now but I am sure life moves on.
Several years down the line, we got another date Dec 21, 2012. This prediction was more stronger than any others. But again as always the day came and went away.
I had a smirk on my face recollecting the talks we used to have in our college days.
Life was very busy so far, slogging at work, living away from home, marriage, kids , years flew by so fast. But the thought of the end of the world kept coming back to me under some pretext or the other. I wondered will it happen in a day like entire planet would just get under water or comets and asteroids would come raging down and everything would be over in a snap. What is more acceptable and probable to happen. Nevertheless I felt this isn't happening in a day or two. Its a very long process for sure.
What is the world made of? When the idea was introduced by our ancestors, what did they think, what happened to them at that time that would happen again now.
What makes our world? Is it just the land mass, water mass? Is it the flora and fauna? Is it the humans living on this planet? What exactly implies the end of the world?
Planet as whole diminishing, getting destructed would be totally a different topic. But The World , that is totally our perspective. This perspective , this understanding is what's ending and that did start a decade ago.
Love, Affection, Humanity and Compassion laid the foundation of our very own world. When these started crumbling our world as we know began to end.
Love as existed between siblings, neighbors, friends, and of course a parent and child is slowly disappearing. There is a race for the luxuries which have now become survival need. A race where anything and everything is possible and is fair.
What can explain the need of sending a newborn to be raised half way across the world? What are the needs that surpass something as divine as a parent's love? What erases the memories of people responsible for your entire childhood and youth, people who are responsible for who you are and what you are ? What is making people behave so inhumanly towards each other? What is that evil thing that's working on every mind making it immune to the very basic foundation blocks of our world?
Yes I believe the world is ending, not at a said date or a said year but yes indeed its happening right in front of our eyes, slow and steady at every passing hour, every passing day.