Men are more open hearted in accepting new people and new changes in life.
I say this not based on any statistics or research. This is totally my opinion based on my experience and my understanding about relations and life as whole.
Mother's instinct, motherly love ; most of the books , most of the talks are about how selfless, sacrificing and dedicated Mother's love is. There are tons of matter spread everywhere about this sacred bond of 'mother and child'.
9 months of togetherness, five or more months of movements, kicks, twirls and punches make us welcome motherhood with very slight delay and practically no hesitation. Women/Moms literally take nine months to get there where Men/father arrive in a flash of a moment. Given a chance, how many women in this world would be able to relate to a newborn ( not given birth by them physically) just the way a man does when he becomes a father?
This probably is all about how women are and how men aren't.
--Dedicated to all Fathers